
The Ingénue, Second Edition

Surprise! The Ingénue, Second Edition is out now. Featuring a blurb by the talented Justin Achilli. Grab your copy today!

World Poetry Day

 March 21st is World Poetry Day ! Bring some beauty to the world by getting in touch with your inner muse. Or check out some of the world's amazing poetry, including the works on our catalog page!

Newfangle Apparel

 It's official: Newfangle Press now offers apparel! Grab one of our t-shirts or tank tops from our  product catalog  and show your support for a local publisher.

Drop Everything And Read

 April 12th is D.E.A.R. Day! In honor of the birthday of Beverly Cleary, carve out some time today to read. Whether you’re a teacher or a student, an adult or a child, grab your favorite book or a brand new one and dive in!

Open for submissions

 So, what's your story? We want to hear it. The rest of the world does, too. Newfangle Press is open for submissions . We're looking for talented authors to showcase. Tell us about yourself and your completed manuscript, attach the first five pages, and let's see where this journey takes us.

National Author's Day

 Today is  National Author's Day . And in an era in which video technology is cheap and readily available, Newfangle Press would like to thank authors for keeping the written word alive and vibrant. Who are some of your favorite authors? Reach out to them and thank them for the difference they've made in your life.